
Dr. Franz Krah
Senior scientist – Universität Bayreuth

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7866-7508
Google Scholar: link
Research Gate: link
All mushroom photos ©Krah

Monika Singh
Postdoc working within the BiodivMon project on monitoring and mapping fungal diversity for nature conservation (part of BIODIVERSA+ FunDive consortium)

Daniel Tracy
Environmental data scientist working on the assembly of fungal spatiotemporal biodiversity big data and addressing pressing questions in global change mycology involving state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches (Climfun 2.0).

Jana Neugebauer
Bachelor student working on cliff fungal diversity in relation to plant specialisation, climbing and soil chemistry, contrasting root and soil fungi

Sascha Neuhaus
Bachelor student working on soil fungi and interactive networks with bacteria and animals

Former members

Henrik Oechler
Fungal macroecology

Oechler, H., Krah, F.-S., 2022. Response of Fruit Body Assemblage Color Lightness to Macroclimate and Vegetation Cover. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.

Dr. Boris Olou
Tropical mycology

Olou, B. A., N. S. Yorou, M. Striegel, C. Bässler, and F. S. Krah. 2019. Effects of macroclimate and resource on the diversity of tropical wood inhabiting fungi. Forest Ecology and Management 436:79-87.

Leonie Schmid
Fungus-animal interactions

Schmid, L., Bässler, C., Schaefer, H. and Krah, F.-S. 2019. A test of camera surveys to study fungus-animal interactions. Mycoscience 60: 287-292